Reverend Janis Abrams received her Master’s Degree in Education from Adelphi University, Garden City, New York. Her work as a primary grade school teacher for thirty years has given her insight into the relationship between loving oneself and the ability to learn and function as a successful person. When she shared her writing with classes and saw how it stimulated discussion about loving yourself, Janis knew she would pursue publication for children one day and is currently writing a book about diversity in poetic format. She continues creating experiences for children by writing and teaching workshops for Mindful Meditation and Tapping for Children. She belongs to the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and Long Island Children’s Writers and Illustrators.
Reverend Abrams has been a Reiki Master teacher for twenty five years and continues to expand her knowledge. She became an Emotional Freedom Technique teacher studying with Dr. Harry Paritsky and Carol Denicker, BCH, Cl. She enjoys creating workshops for adults in Mindful Meditation, Emotional FreedomTechnique for Health and Pain Relief, Chakras, and Reiki. Janis has been secretary of the Long Island Dowser’s Society and offers presentations in Mindful Meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique. She continues to expand her knowledge of dowsing by attending other speaker events within the Dowser Society. Continuing to connect with the public, she enjoys presenting workshops at Barbara Kaplan’s Over 50 Fair teaching about Reiki and the chakras, Mindful Meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique.